My topic is India.
Research question- Why is India still a third world country?
Claim- India is not yet as developed as many countries in the world because of its illiteracy levels, population, corruption, lack of unity, high levels of pollution and dirty politics in every sector.
Why this topic?
I love India. But after I moved to the States, I always had this question in mind, why can't India be one of these developed countries? India is visibly growing after industrialization hit India. But something is still missing. So I thought of choosing this topic to get to know about the problems and letting others know that India is no less than any other country, it's just that there are too many barriers in the system itself that are stopping it from growing.
Audience- I would like my audience to be the people who are interested to know about another country and who would be attentive enough to ask questions if any.

The person on the right is a minister( basically the government).
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